For this and other reasons it proclaimed 23 September as ‘International Sign Language Day, to be observed annually from 2018 ...
Although it has been around for many years, in recent months it has become increasingly relevant and has been boosted and ...
We could say that cloud technology is a global network of servers from which different technological services for computing, ...
Digital solutions are those technologies that organisations implement or adopt in order to automate activities and thus ...
Despite the apocalyptic predictions of 2017, the US digital ecosystem remained vibrant and dynamic, following the repeal of ...
Find out more about the importance of perseverance and commitment at work. Enter now and don't miss it. Read now ...
Find out more about Pablo Casado de las Heras, Head of Global Data Center & Core Sites. Find out more about his professional ...
Digital solutions whose importance involves all sectors and can help businesses to become more competitive by developing new ...
All projects have a positive impact on society. Overall, Telefónica is making a significant contribution to improving ...
In July, the Commission adopted its first report following the submission by Member States of their roadmaps for achieving ...
Issues such as social media management, search engine optimisation (SEO) or e-commerce are some examples of digital solutions ...
GSMA launches a Responsible Artificial Intelligence (IA) roadmap in order to provide necessary tools and guidance.