Artists” who are using artificial intelligence (AI) are a challenge to the copyright office. In response, the Copyright Office officially published a “statement of policy to clarify its practices for ...
The Plaza Art fair garners impressive numbers with little worry about car crime and/or sideshow risks because the event ...
Last year was the hottest on record. Around the world, we are witnessing more extreme events—from massive forest fires to ...
Scientists are looking into solutions, and one potential avenue is a class of materials called photocatalysts. When triggered ...
At Western, you can seek a deeper understanding of who you are and who you’re meant to become. We celebrate the passions that drive you and the possibilities that inspire you. Here, a degree is a ...
Even if you have a career in the business world or in the entertainment industry when you step into the world of culinary arts a new passion is born. Piyathida Mittiraroch, Diplôme de Pâtisserie I ...
The Great Mughals: Art, Architecture and Opulence Discover the extraordinary creative output of the Golden Age of the Mughal Court ...