Electric and Communications utilities in North America own upwards of 150 million wood pole structures. Inspecting and treating these poles in a timely manner is essential to maintaining system ...
The use of Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) as a method for determining the types of pending or occurring faults within power transformers has been in practice for many years. It has been proven that the ...
If utility personnel responsible for cyber security compliance have had any exposure to the Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) program sponsored by the North American Electric Reliability ...
Building a smarter grid is difficult. It is never an easy undertaking when a utility, large or small, is faced with making major investment decisions, especially when they can represent a similar ...
With meter data analytics, utilities are recognizing the true value of their Smart Grid investment: Data. The business world today is undergoing a swirl of change. However, amid all the uncertainty, ...
Use of the arc reflection method combined with a high capacitance surge generator and state-of-the-art pinpointing devices for underground cable fault locating will find faults in less time and with ...
Many U.S. utilities have completed, or are nearing completion of, their Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and Meter Data Management System (MDMS) rollouts. With these implementations completing, ...
Batteries are among the least expensive pieces of equipment in a substation, and they are the heart that keeps the protection and control system running. Despite this, they are often not maintained ...
Change Management is not new to enterprises facing challenges, either elective or forced upon them. It has evolved in its perspective, sometimes being considered simply re-training, targeted internal ...
With increasing pressures from regulators and customers to provide more reliable power supply to customers, Automated Distribution Feeder Fault Management is one of the most interesting and beneficial ...
A major storm has hit the area. Thousands, maybe even tens of thousands, are without electricity. The utility company must resolve the outage emergency as soon as possible – a large part of which ...
As regulated monopolies evolve into competitive industries, utilities have had to change the way they conduct business. A central component of the marketplace is the need to provide the consumer with ...