Speaker: Nathan Ohle, President & CEO of the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) Refreshments will be provided.
A workshop for Harvard University students on how to apply a service design mindset to improve public services.
New Harvard Kennedy School faculty member Wolfram Schlenker conducts research on the effect of weather and climate on ...
We are your partner for financial assistance. We understand that there are many factors to consider when deciding whether to pursue a master’s degree, one of which will be how to finance your ...
2020, Paper, " The nature and extent of the role of the Chinese state in the economy is fundamental to many empirical and theoretical debates about that country’s political economy. We document and ...
November 2021, Interview: "TIE Founder and Editor David Smick interviews Larry Summers, the former Clinton Treasury secretary, top Obama economic adviser, and Harvard president. Summers’ recent ...
2020, Paper, "In emerging markets, a significant share of corporate loans are denominated in dollars. Using novel data that enables us to see currency and the cost of credit, in addition to several ...
June 8, 2020, Audio"To help address the big questions that shape our world, UBS has sought out a number of Nobel laureates in the Economic Sciences to ask them to share insights and discuss their ...
2022, Book: "This book assesses major schools of thought in macroeconomic theory between the Great Depression and the Long Recession, focusing on their analysis of cycles, crises and macro-policy. It ...
In this divisive election year, is it possible to mobilize people across differences around a common cause? How can people with competing perspectives and interests join into a shared movement that ...
The online ‘infosphere’ remains a poorly managed social environment. On the one hand it brings tremendous benefits to many ...
March 5, 2021, Opinion: "The labor market improved in February 2021 as employers added 379,000 jobs, leaving the economy at 11.9 million jobs below its pre-pandemic trend. At the same time the ...