As more organizations embrace AI, it is vital to document the policies and procedures that govern its use. Here are seven ...
The API revolution wasn’t televised. Now, enterprises must figure out how to weave together a patchwork of API styles, ...
The average user doesn’t want (or isn’t able) to decide which model to use or how to finesse a useful prompt. We need ...
Vector databases don’t just store your data. They find the most meaningful connections within it, driving insights and ...
An open letter with more than 10,000 signatures accuses Oracle of abandoning the JavaScript trademark and urges the company ...
Companies suffer when cloud computing architects are not directly aligned with their business's overall goals. Let’s readjust ...
Yugabyte is evolving its database with the addition of a cost-based optimizer, bimodal query execution, and smart data ...
Microsoft’s new UWP-friendly tools bridge the gap between the old and the new worlds of .NET to help old code into the latest .NET stack. Microsoft’s journey to today’s Windows App SDK and Win UI as a ...
The cloud services provider’s announcements this year focused on providing developers and enterprises with new ways to take ...
Probably the quickest way to understand Deno Fresh is to think of pairing Next.js with Node or Bun. The result is a front-end JavaScript framework with file-system routing conventions. What makes ...
Documentation tools mdBook, Quartz, MkDoc, and HonKit all support Markdown and work with a variety of other languages and ...