Artists” who are using artificial intelligence (AI) are a challenge to the copyright office. In response, the Copyright Office officially published a “statement of policy to clarify its practices for ...
A groundbreaking art installation at UN Headquarters by renowned media artist Refik Anadol leverages artificial intelligence ...
A recent survey published by Nairobi-based arts organisation showed that Kenyan artistes are just as worried as they are ...
By Conor Lennon A groundbreaking art installation at UN Headquarters by renowned media artist Refik Anadol leverages ...
Scientists collaborate to enhance advanced microscopy techniques with AI, aiming to improve the understanding of glioblastoma brain tumors. Imagine building a traffic surveillance camera that could de ...
More listed companies in Korea are encouraged to go public on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) for a dual listing to ...
Scientists are looking into solutions, and one potential avenue is a class of materials called photocatalysts. When triggered ...
Even though it's not the apocalyptic scenario many experts warned of, the memes can cause all sorts of problems.