RBA认证,全称Responsible Business Alliance(负责任商业联盟),作为一个全球性的非营利性组织,旨在促进电子行业供应链中的社会、环境和道德责任。自其成立以来,RBA认证已成为全球电子制造商 ...
The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is Australia's central bank and derives its functions and powers from the Reserve Bank Act 1959. Its duty is to contribute to the stability of the currency ...
SYDNEY—Government plans to reform the Reserve Bank of Australia by introducing a dual-board system—one for setting interest rates and the other for day-to-day governance—have stalled and are ...
Which suggests this week's outburst marks a decisive shift in the economic debate. Whether pummelling the RBA makes the government look desperate or strong will be for voters to decide.
Read our advice disclaimer here. The RBA Governor Michele Bullock has quashed hopes of a rate cut in the near-future, while acknowledging that some borrowers may be forced to sell their homes in ...
2004年10月,惠普、戴尔和IBM共同发布电子行业行为准则(EICC)现在称rba认证,它旨在在电子行业的全球供应链中建立一个标准化的社会责任行为准则。该准则包括一系列涉及劳动和招聘、健康和 ...
Sunrise host Nat Barr asked Mr Chalmers on Tuesday. Mr Chalmers denied he was trying to shift the spotlight onto the RBA or that there was a shift in the government’s rhetoric. “I think it is ...
SYDNEY—With just two weeks to go before she completes her first anniversary as governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia, Michele Bullock can look back on a year in which she has neither bent ...
But I think the RBA has done a good job. “Businesses have seen not only an increase in borrowing costs, but on top of that inflation has been stubborn, so they’ve had a significant increase in ...
各省、自治区、直辖市和新疆生产建设兵团市场监管局(厅、委)、各绿色产品认证机构: 为深入贯彻党中央、国务院关于加快经济社会发展全面绿色转型等要求,进一步推动绿色产品认证与 ...
He rejected claims they were an attack on the RBA or governor Michele Bullock, saying the pair shared the objective of tackling inflation and regularly compared notes on the state of the economy.
据介绍,2023 年 12 月,中国信通院正式启动 5G 工厂认证工作,滨江工厂经过企业自愿申请、材料审核、专家现场技术验证等环节,成为第一家通过五星认证的 5G 工厂。 滨江工厂内 5G 网络覆盖率 ...