The FAS revealed a cartel in the housing and utilities sector for more than 827 million rubles, the press service of the ...
Unlike acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI), influenza starts suddenly. Andrei Pozdnyakov, infectious disease specialist, ...
With the onset of autumn, the heating season begins in Russian regions. When to wait for the batteries to turn on and what to ...
They are being used not only instead of artillery and anti-tank weapons, but increasingly as kamikaze interceptors to combat ...
CDEK.Shopping, a service for the redemption and delivery of goods from abroad, conducted a survey to find out how Russian citizens feel about replicas and where they buy original goods of luxury ...
By 2030, the share of new trains in the Moscow subway will increase to 95%, said Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.
Ukrainian army instructors undergo three-month training in the UK, after which they start training other soldiers without combat experience. This was revealed by a prisoner of war of the Armed Forces ...
Силовики задержали жителя Биробиджана, завербованного украинскими спецслужбами и готовившего диверсию на ж/д и поджог пункта ...
The law enforcers detained a resident of Birobidzhan, recruited by the Ukrainian security services and preparing a sabotage ...
Инструкторы украинской армии проходят трехмесячное обучение в Великобритании, после чего без боевого опыта начинают ...
Еще об одном неприятном новшестве в применении противником FPV-дронов нам рассказывают в подразделении БПЛА артиллерийского ...
Одна из новых проблем на нынешнем этапе специальной военной операции — это FPV-дроны Вооруженных сил Украины (ВСУ), которые ...