The company has bought an additional 16.67% in Block 29 of the Salina Basin, in the Gulf of Mexico, thus reaching 46.67%.
Bankinter | Brookfield has not obtained the necessary funds to present the takeover bid nor has it reached an agreement with ...
Flat Footed, Mason Capital Management and Sachem Head funds jointly control 7.7% of Grifols (GRF) and have asked for a seat ...
This Thursday, September 26, the Plenary of Congress, will debate and vote on the budgetary stability and public debt ...
According to Eurostat's final reading, in August the year-on-year rate of change of the Eurozone's headline CPI stood at 2.2% ...
The Council of Ministers approved the entry of Blackrock in Naturgy (NTGY) after the purchase of GIP (20% NTGY) last January ...
In an interview with Consejeros magazine, Sacyr’s coordinating advisor, Elena Jiménez de Andrade, explains that now "We have ...