Ehdota itseäsi, kollegaasi, tutkimusryhmää, yksikköä tai projektia vuoden 2024 Aalto-yliopiston avoimen tieteen palkinnon ...
The School of Chemical Engineering is strengthened with the appointment of Heli Lehtivuori, Otto Mustonen and Suvi Holmstedt ...
Heli Lehtivuori, Otto Mustonen ja Suvi Holmstedt ovat aloittaneet yliopistonlehtoreina Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulussa.
The major Computer Engineering of Aalto Bachelor’s Programme in Science and Technology combines the fields of information technology and electrical engineering. You’ll get the foundation you need to ...
Osallistu pilottiprojektiin, jossa luodaan tekoälyn avulla tietosuojailmoitus aineistonhallintasuunnitelmasi pohjalta.
Noora Yau, Anna Semi ja Konrad Klockars taikovat puusta säihkettä, joka ei vahingoita ihmistä eikä ympäristöä.
This site contains the student study guide for the Nordic Master Programme in Innovative Sustainable Energy Engineering. Here you will find the programme curriculum as well as detailed guidelines for ...
Aalto-yliopiston johtaman tutkijoiden ja teollisuuden yhteistyön tuloksena syntyi vaikuttavia tutkimustuloksia.
Through the Finnish Design Push initiative – in prototyping a new model for collaboration together with the Technology Industries of Finland – we are partnering with Finnish SMEs to better understand ...
As a leading Art & Science University, Aalto supports different uses of exhibition spaces to showcase the innovative and creative research of Aalto’s six schools. These include, but are not limited to ...
We work at the interface between physics, chemistry, and biology with a particular focus on the spatiotemporal organization of intracellular environment, single molecule dynamics, and cellular ...
Cities thrive by bringing diverse people together and creating an environment where innovative ideas are born and developed. Frequent social encounters and public life contribute to human wellbeing, ...